Why price right?
The key to selling a home is the asking price. Pricing the home too high will bring a lower number of interested buyers, which may cause your home to sit on the market for too long, losing its appeal. Pricing the home too low may cause buyers to be skeptical and hurt your pocket if multiple offers don't drive the price up to market rate. So how can you determine that magic number to advertise as your asking price?
Comparable sales
The simplest way to figure out the right dollar amount to ask for your home is by comparing similar homes in the neighborhood. Compare apples to apples. While other homes may not have those nice chandeliers or the fancy woodworking you commissioned, you can still get a general idea of how much to ask by looking at other homes of similar size and style. Compare houses with the same number of bedrooms, bathrooms and overall square footage.

Market history
To get an even clearer picture of the real estate market in your neighborhood, check for the history of homes' listings. Compare the original asking price with the final sale price, and calculate the amount of time the house was on the market until it sold. You can then use this information to determine how to price your home as related to the length of time you can keep your house on the market. If you are looking for a quick sale, you may want to price your house a bit lower, but if profit is your motive, you may be willing to wait a few more months and hold off for a sale on the higher end of the sales spectrum.
Special improvements
Consider whether you've done any major improvements to your home that would warrant a higher asking price. If you've remodeled the kitchen and put down a new parquet floor, or if you really feel the special woodwork details are what will clinch the sale, you may wish see those enhancements reflected in your asking price. But be careful here; if the costs of these improvements drives your home's price over comparable homes, it may languish on the market. The buyer may not see the same value in your upgrades.
Supply and demand

Now that you've determined a fair range for the price of your house based on comparable listings, you will need to consider supply and demand. In a buyer's market, when there are many homes on the market and lots of competition among sellers, you may want to ask a bit less for your home to make it more attractive to a buyer. In a seller's market, where there is very little home supply and much buyer demand, you may want to ask a bit more for your house and maximize your profit.
Call Greg Rapp
Adapted from an article in Realtor.com by Aviva Friedlander
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