In these uncertain economic times it takes more than a sign to sell a historic property. It takes hard work, a strong network and a thoughtful plan. It takes an expert, like Wallace Realty's Greg Rapp, Rowan County's foremost expert at marketing antique, historic properties. Greg, as a REALTOR® in Salisbury North Carolina, spends the bulk of his time on a niche that is less than five percent of the total real estate market. No real estate agent in this area of North Carolina cares more about the preservation of historic architecture and landscapes than Greg Rapp.
Greg Rapp has years of practical and academic experience in the field of marketing and selling historic buildings. His command and interest in this niche has introduced substantial market and anecdotal research to determine trends, strategies and tools necessary to successfully buy or sell a historic property.
REALTOR® Greg Rapp ~ a preservation advocate and long-time fan of historic homes ~ long ago decided to convert his avocation to his vocation. He has become the area's premiere real estate agent specializing in marketing and selling historic properties. Greg's marketing strategies for older homes is founded on the premise that an exclusive marketplace for historic real estate benefits sellers and buyers of old buildings and ultimately the buildings themselves. Greg's goal, therefore, is to create a marketplace at "Salisbury, North Carolina Real Estate" that matches fine old buildings with preservation-minded buyers. The best way to save fragile historic buildings is to put them in good, safe hands with buyers who appreciate the scarcity of a well-preserved antique.
Greg Rapp invests heavily in building this strong, vibrant marketplace, so in essence all marketing and promotional activities benefit all clients. It is Greg's intention, with "Salisbury, North Carolina Real Estate", to garner the best price for your property by employing an aggressive marketing plan that attracts the most qualified and interested buyers thus creating a competitive sales environment.

Greg was recently recognized by the Historic Salisbury Foundation for his work in the marketing and selling of historic homes. By specializing in marketing historic properties, Greg says that buyers and sellers seek out his expertise. By marketing himself as a specialist, he distinguishes himself from other sales associates and brokers and gain a competitive edge. This is demonstrated by the sheer number of historic properties Greg has marketed, both commercial and residential, in a relatively small time frame. "Historic preservation holds a community together," Rapp says. "If you preserve the character of the buildings in a town, you get more of a community feeling. When you start tearing down history, however, you lose that sense of fiber."

With a little effort, research and a venture outside of the box, Greg's knowledge of the marketing and selling of older homes takes him to an exciting new aspect of real estate. . . and he appreciates the challenge!
Are you ready to market your vintage home? Are you looking to buy that perfect older home built with quality and character that cannot compare to newly built structures? Then give Greg Rapp a call ~ 704.213.6846 ~ and start your exciting challenge!
Wallace Realty Co.
704 213 6846 Mobile
704 636 2021 Office