
November 03, 2014

City Life ~ The Opportunity is NOW in Downtown Salisbury, North Carolina

What attracts us to city life? 

A new survey offers some insights. A thousand urbanites - young and old - across major cities in the U.S. were contacted by Sasaki Associates, a planning and design firm based outside of Boston. The survey confirms what many of us who live in major cities already know to be true - there are so many opportunities to eat great food, see new things, and people watch, why would you want to live anywhere else? Who needs the lull of the country when you have the run of the arts & music scene, street festivals, awesome restaurants, and basically something different every night?

What do you love most about your city?

More than 40 percent cited the restaurants and food; while 32 percent said local attractions; 24 percent said historic places and landmarks; 21 percent said cultural offerings; 17 percent said parks and public spaces; and 16 percent said fairs and festivals. Some 15 percent said "the people," while another 10 percent said they like the architecture the most, and 9 percent said the local sports scene. Clearly, big cities can support a diverse slate of restaurants - and in Salisbury, North Carolina there is a variety from Thai and sushi to Italian or Tex-Mex, so it's easy to understand that culinary adventures, which are affordable, draw the most love.

Where do your favorite experiences happen?

A majority of people (65 percent) remember their favorite city experience taking place outdoors, either in a park or on a street. Interestingly, a minority -- just 22 percent -- said their favorite experience happened in a building. This is perhaps because urbanites are constantly stuck indoors to begin with. Nearly a third prefer large open parks, while 14 percent prefer small urban spaces, and 8 percent love their city's trail system the most ~ Salisbury Greenway anyone?   

37 percent of those surveyed wish their cities would make streets more pedestrian/bike friendly; 36 percent support adding outdoor music and entertainment venues; and 31 percent desire more small urban parks." Salisbury has parks and green spaces ranging from beautiful little downtown pocket parks to our wonderful City Park and Hurley Park.  The City has a Bike Plan Proposal on the books! We can't wait to see it developed! And our outdoor street festivals happen monthly throughout the year!

What makes a city's buildings iconic?

While buildings appeal less than outdoor spaces, some 36 percent said the historic nature of the building, while 30 percent said "great architecture," and another 24 percent said a building's "unique design." A majority (57 percent) will stop and look at a historic building, while just 19 percent will do the same for a modern one. Those old buildings that have made it, that have fended off redevelopment, deserve some respect. And Salisbury is recognized nationwide for its preservation movement that has kept alive beautiful downtown architecture dating from the 1800s!

What do you like least about getting around in cities?

More than 40 percent said there's "too much traffic," while 23 percent cited the lack of parking.  These complaints reveal how Americans, even urbanites, get around: 58 percent use cars frequently, while 29 percent use public transportation. Another 10 percent try to walk everywhere and just 2 percent use bikes.  Salisbury NC does not have the fierce traffic snarls that many larger cities deal with on a daily basis.  While many will say parking is an issue, there are actually many municipal lots that for some reason go awareness problem city activists are working on!

Surveys like these are important so that we understand how to attract as many people as possible to cities, because urban life is central to a more sustainable future. In cities, per-capita carbon emissions and energy and water use are much lower. But beyond the metrics, cities can just be great places to live in -- if they are designed to be livable and beautiful, filled with outdoor spaces, things to do, and historic buildings. (Adapted from an article by Jared Green, New Survey Uncovers the Lure of the City,, Posted: 09/25/2014)

The cities in the survey must be doing some of these things right: Some 60 percent of respondents said they will still be in their city five years from now. Now, we just need to increase those numbers for all cities ~ including Salisbury, North Carolina...and Greg Rapp, Realtor® with Wallace Realty, has just the solution!

Witness the Bernhardt Hardware Building on the 100 block of N. Main Street in Salisbury NC.  The circa 1882 Bernhardt Hardware building enjoyed a long history of being...yes!...a hardware store!  Recently purchased by Central Piedmont Builders, the multi-store front space is now enjoying a complete renovation.  

Retail spaces and restaurants are due to fill the 1st floor level . . . but upstairs ~ WOW! 

New second-story residential apartments are creating that much desired urban living space ~ in the center of downtown overlooking the historic Main Street architecture and vitality of the cityscape.

Many others have started to live in Downtown Salisbury, and that number is climbing.  Of note is the restoration at  101 S. Main Street, once a tumble-down soccer shop on the street level with raggle-taggle apartments above . . . the space is now the stunning and award-winning 101 Pottery with high-style living space above.
The Kress Building on S. Main Street is a wonderful example of downtown living condos in Salisbury.  Second story apartments look down upon E. Innes Street above shops and restaurants there. 

And the Plaza Building, a landmark at the main intersection of Main Street and Innes Street in the center of downtown has a waiting list for its residential spaces!  When you lease one of the new apartments in the Bernhardt Hardware'll be in good company!

The time is right to escape the lull of suburban living, move to the city, and experience the urban lifestyle that is central to a more sustainable future.  The time is right to move to Downtown Salisbury, to be exact! It's time to call Greg Rapp at (704) 213-6846 to sign up for one of the new Bernhardt Building Loft Apartments ~ with city views, walk-ability, and have the run of the arts & music scene, street festivals, awesome restaurants, and basically something different every night!


Greg Rapp 
Wallace Realty Co. 
704 213 6846 Mobile 
704 636 2021 Office 

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