
September 04, 2019

You know what you want. Work with the Realtor who finds what you want.

When you are a family that loves bicycling . . . you look for a home in a bike-friendly neighborhood . . .and you look for the Realtor® that knows where the bike-friendly neighborhoods are!

Greg Rapp just sold this beautiful home in Salisbury, in a pristine neighborhood right beside the Salisbury Country Club, minutes from Dan Nicholas Park, and most importantly, close to the Salisbury Greenway. The clients fell in love with this move-in ready home, with its new roof and new hardwood floors, open floor plan, and living room with stone fireplace. But the selling point was 1402 Troon Drive's proximity to the Greenway, with its system of trails and parks perfectly suited for this outdoor, bicycling family.

Greenways, like the one in Salisbury, allow the community to provide for the more active and environmentally conscientious population that we see emerging. The Salisbury Greenway provides connections between recreational areas, parks, and natural areas with nearly 5 miles of walking / hiking / running and paved-surface biking paths.

The Greenway is part of the Carolina Thread Trail system. The trail helps preserve vital open space and recreational opportunities. It preserves and restores natural corridors within already densely populated regions, thereby improving air and water quality. The trail encourages a sustainable way of life for generations to come. Equally as important, greenways, trails and blueways nurture emotional and physical health. They provide opportunities for children and families to get outside and enjoy nature, an especially important opportunity for those who might not otherwise have access to the outdoors.

When you know what you want from your next move, bring your wish-list to Realtor Greg Rapp ~ the agent that knows the Salisbury-Rowan communities and knows the best in the area's amenities. 

Call Greg to make that appointment,704.213.6846, to get your feet on a trail of your own! Work with the agent that will get you the perfect home for YOUR lifestyle!

Greg Rapp 
Wallace Realty Co. 
704 213 6846 Mobile 
704 636 2021 Office

#SellingSalisbury #HomesForSale #RealEstateSalisbury #OldHouseGuy #GregRappRealtor #RealEstate #SalisburyNC #ListWithMe

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