
July 23, 2021

Gutted Grandeur? No Problem. Circa 1896 Napoleon Bonaparte McCanless House SOLD ~ with Greg Rapp Realtor

It certainly isn't every day that a property this unique comes on the market....or that the average real estate agent is in a position to market something so incredibly different: A highly visual historic landmark, a potential residence situated in a largely commercial area, granite stone architecture including a two-story tower and wrap-around porch . . . and almost nothing, save for a few original details, inside.

Yes ~ and Historic Salisbury Foundation contracted with Greg Rapp, Salisbury Real Estate LLC, to sell the 3-story, circa 1896 Historic Napoleon Bonaparte McCanless House in Salisbury, North Carolina in early 2021.  There does not exist a comparable sale in both years and for miles around with which to place a price on such an asset.  This grand home on nearly an acre of downtown Salisbury property, protected with City of Salisbury Landmark Status, offers solid granite walls, a separate outbuilding (the original kitchen), and nearly 5,000 square feet of gutted space! Despite the condition, many original details, remain, yet the structure will require a vast investment to return it to its former glory ~ whether eventually deemed commercial or residential. How does one come up with a 'comp' for such?

Regardless, Greg's expertise with historic and vintage properties wins again.  Today, the Napoleon Bonaparte McCanless house is sold.  AND . . the new owner has exciting plans to turn this fabulous structure into an event venue. More news on this to come . . . watch for a press release in the Salisbury Post!

Greg Rapp of Salisbury Real Estate has long been a champion of preservation and restoration in the Salisbury/Rowan community. Greg hopes that the renovation and adaptive reuse planned for this circa 1896 home will be the catalyst for more improvements along this commercial stretch of South Main Street in downtown Salisbury!

For a chance to see the Napoleon Bonaparte McCanless House in person, purchase your ticket for Historic Salisbury Foundation's 46th Annual OctoberTour - the nonprofit's annual fundraiser and personal tour of historic homes and properties. Tickets and information available at or by calling the HSF office at 704.636.0103.  The house was also one of the subjects of the Ghost Guild's paranormal studies this year, and they will present their findings this year as one of the OctoberTour events!  We can't wait!

The real moral of the Napoleon Bonaparte McCanless House is this:  Think ~ If Realtor® Greg Rapp can value and sell this challenging property, one that will take major commitment and investment to restore . . . think what he can do in selling YOUR property!  Schedule a listing appointment today with Salisbury Real Estate LLC today: 704.213.6846.  Let's do this!

Greg Rapp 

Salisbury Real Estate LLC 
704 213 6846 Mobile 

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